T-minus 1

This is the first blog entry I have. The point of this blog is to act as a brain dump for all of the projects I am working on. I have a companion site to this blog at www.hamradioexperiments.com where my permanent project pages are hosted.

The www.hamradioexperiments.com site is developed with Google App Engine and will also be an experiment in and of itself. I am currently not using any of the python features of app engine, but that will change as I post more projects. I spend most of my days running budgets and project managing, but I started off coding and experimenting and that is where my passion lies.

I also happen to be really into HAM radio and specifically software defined radio. I go by call sign VE3LSH and you can find me on 20m or 40m generally with a focus of QRP (when we actually have open bands...). My interest in HAM radio really revolves around building equipment and signal processing so you will find that is what most of my projects consist of.

I also have a job that focuses on renewable energy so there will be a bit of that thrown in there too.

Station assistants
